Below you will find a description of each of the assignments for this class and how they will be assessed. If you have a concern or question about the grading of an assignment or exam, you must see one of the professors or TAs within two weeks of the return of the assignment/exam. Papers will not be re-marked after this point. 


The midterm exam will be held in class on 15 February. It will cover lectures up to and including 6 February (i.e. Animal contests).



The final exam will be held during the exam period scheduled by the Registrar's Office, which means it will take place sometime between 12 and 26 April. You should not make work or travel plans that conflict with the exam period. You will be responsible for all of the material covered in class, but the emphasis will be on the material after the midterm (i.e. Animal signals onward).


You should read the papers and exercise instructions (available from Tutorials link to left) before coming to the tutorial and arrive prepared to discuss the papers or engage in the tutorial activity. Marks are based on participation in the tutorials using the following criteria:

0 - not attending (except for valid reasons, e.g. illness)
1 - attending, but not participating in the discussion
2 - participating at a basic level (i.e. saying anything relevant to the discussion)
3 - full participation in discussion

ESSAY (20%) 

The essay should be about 8 to 10 double-spaced pages (excluding references) in length, and should follow the guidelines given on the Essays link to left. You may choose any of the topics listed in the guidelines. If you want to choose a topic that isn't listed there, you must check it with Andy first. Highest marks will be given for essays that are well written and organized and that take a critical approach to the review (i.e. you question aspects of the studies you review).

A hard copy of the essay must be handed in by the end of lecture on 13 March (10% (2 marks) off for each day late). Please also submit a digital copy of your essay to the dropbox on Brightspace (details to follow).


The grade scale we will use when assigning a final letter grade will be the default scale of the Faculty of Science: A+ 90-100; A 85-89; A- 80-84; B+ 77-79; B 73-76; B- 70-72; C+ 65-69; C 60-64; C- 55-59; D 50-54 F < 50.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

 "Students with disabilities are encouraged to register as quickly as possible at the Student Accessibility Services if they want to receive academic accommodations. To do so please phone 494-2836, e-mail, drop in at the Killam, G28 or visit their website at"