The ocean is a seemingly homogeneous and vast
landscape, yet, in reality, oceanic habitats are
highly dynamic and patchy mosaics in which marine
animals eke out their existence in complex
ways. While I was a post-doc in the
Leonard lab, my research focused on linkages
between marine predators (particularly seabirds)
and ocean habitats. From 2003-2008, my PhD
work investigated critical habitats of marbled
murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus), a
threatened species in coastal British
Columbia. Since 2005, along with the Grand Manan Whale and Seabird
Research Station, we have been studying the
foraging ecology, energetics, habitat selection,
and migratory behaviour of shearwaters in Atlantic
Canada. This work is integrating a banding
program, dietary analysis
(stable isotopes and fatty acids), biochemical
analysis (lipids, corticosterone, hematology), and
satellite tracking of movements and
migrations. Ultimately, my objective is to
apply these studies towards the conservation and
management of marine animals (e.g. design of
Marine Protected Areas, oil spill response,
mitigation of fisheries bycatch).
Ph.D. Biology (2008) University of
Victoria. Patterns and Processes of Marine
Habitat Selection: Foraging Ecology, Competition
and Coexistence among Coastal Seabirds.
Advisor: Dr. Alan E. Burger
B.Sc. Environmental and Conservation
Science (2000) University of Alberta
Research Skills and Experience
Telemetry studies (satellite and VHF tags);
habitat selection modeling; spatial analyses (GIS,
remote sensing, kernel density analysis, spatial
autocorelation, etc.); vessel-based surveys;
distance sampling; colony surveys; observational
studies; dietary analyses (stable isotopes, fatty
acids); and biochemical analysis (lipids,
corticosterone, hematology)
Funding for Shearwater Research
- Killam Trusts (post-doctoral fellowship)
- NSERC (post-doctoral fellowship)
- Grand Manan Whale and Seabird Research
- New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund
- Environment Canada’s Environmental Damages
- National Geographic
- New Brunswick Environmental Trust Fund
- Baillie Fund for Bird Research and
- North Star Science and Technology
- Ocean Fund (Royal Caribbean Cruise Line)
- Bird Life International
- Canadian Wildlife Service
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Ronconi, R.A. & A.E.
Burger (in press) Foraging space as a limited
resource: inter- and intraspecific competition
among sympatric pursuit-diving seabirds.
Canadian Journal of Zoology
Robson, B., T. Glass, N.
Glass, J. Glass, J. Green, C. Repetto, G.
Rodgers, R.A. Ronconi, P.G. Ryan. G. Swain
& R.J. Cuthbert (in press) Revised
population estimate and trends for the
endangered Northern Rockhopper Penguin
Eudyptes moseleyi at Tristan da Cunha. Bird
Conservation International
Ryan, P.G. & R.A.
Ronconi (in press) Continued increase in
numbers of Spectacled Petrels Procellaria
conspicillata. Antarctic Science
Ryan, P.G., N. Glass
& R.A. Ronconi (2011) The plants and birds of
Stoltenhoff and Alex Islands, Tristan da
Cunha. Polar Record 47:86-89
Ronconi, R. A, H. N.
Koopman, C. A. E. McKinstry, S. N. P. Wong
& A. J. Westgate (2010) Inter-annual variability in
diet of non-breeding pelagic seabirds Puffinus
spp. at migratory staging areas: evidence
from stable isotopes and fatty acids. Marine
Ecology Progress Series 419:267-282
Ronconi, R. A., P. G.
Ryan & Y. Ropert-Coudert (2010) Diving of Great Shearwaters
(Puffinus gravis) in Cold and Warm
Water Regions of the South Atlantic Ocean.
PLoS ONE 5(11):e15508
Timoney, K. P. & R.
A. Ronconi (2010) Annual Bird Mortality in the
Bitumen Tailings Ponds in Northeastern
Alberta, Canada. Wilson Journal of
Ornithology 122(3):567-576
Ryan, P.G. & R.A.
Ronconi (2010) The Tristan Thrush Nesocichla
eremita as seabird predator. Ardea
Ronconi, R.A., Z.T.
Swaim, H.A. Lane, R.W. Hunnewell, A.J.
Westgate, & H.N. Koopman (2010) Modified hoop-net techniques
for capturing birds at sea and comparison
with other capture methods. Marine
Ornithology 38(1):23-29
Burger, A.E., R.A.
Ronconi, M.P. Silvergieter, C. Conroy, V.
Bahn, I.A. Manly, A. Cober & D.B. Lank
(2010) Factors affecting the
availability of thick epiphyte mats and
other potential nest platforms for Marbled
Murrelets in British Columbia. Canadian
Journal of Forest Research 40:
Ronconi, R.A. & J.M.
Hipfner (2009) Egg neglect under risk of
predation in Cassin's auklet (Ptychoramphus
aleuticus). Canadian Journal of
Zoology 87: 415-421
Ronconi, R.A. & A.E.
Burger (2009) Estimating seabird densities
from vessel transects: distance sampling and
implications for strip transects. Aquatic
Biology 4: 297-309
Bellefleur, D., P. Lee
& R.A. Ronconi (2009) The impact of recreational
boat traffic on Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus
marmoratus) off the west coast of
Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Journal
of Environmental Management 90:
Ronconi, R.A. & A.E.
Burger (2008) Limited foraging
flexibility: increased foraging effort by a
marine predator does not buffer against
scarce prey. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 366: 245-258.
Wong, S.N.P., R.A.
Ronconi, A.E. Burger & B. Hansen (2008) Marine
distribution and behavior of juvenile
Marbled Murrelets off southwest Vancouver
Island, British Columbia: applications for
monitoring. Condor 110:
Ronconi, R.A. (2007) The spectacular migration of
greater shearwaters. BirdWatch
Canada 39: 4-7.
Haynes, T.B., R.A.
Ronconi & A.E. Burger (2007) Habitat use
and behaviour of the Pacific Sand Lance (Ammodytes
hexapterus) in the shallow subtidal
region of southwestern Vancouver Island. Northwestern
Naturalist 88: 155-167.
Ronconi, R.A. (2006) Predicting
bird oiling events at oil sands tailings
ponds and assessing the importance of
alternate waterbodies for waterfowl: a
preliminary assessment. Canadian
Field-Naturalist 120: 1-9.
Ronconi, R.A. & C.C.
St. Clair (2006) Efficacy of a
radar-activated on-demand system for
deterring waterfowl from oil sands tailings
ponds. Journal of Applied Ecology 43:
Ronconi, R.A., C.C. St.
Clair, P. O’Hara, & A.E. Burger (2004) Waterbird deterrence at oil
spills and other hazardous zones: potential
applications of a radar-activated on-demand
deterrence system. Marine
Ornithology 32: 25-33.
Ronconi, R.A. &
S.N.P. Wong (2003) Estimates of changes in
seabird numbers in the Grand Manan
Archipelago, New Brunswick, Canada.
Waterbirds 26: 462-472.
Ronconi, R.A., &
C.C. St. Clair (2002) Management options to reduce
boat disturbance on foraging black
guillemots (Cepphus grylle) in the
Bay of Fundy. Biological
Conservation 108: 265-271.