Since my childhood, I have been a keen observer of animals, but it wasn’t until the latter years of my BSc at Mount Allison University that I was introduced to the world of research. Under the supervision of Jean-Guy Godin, my honour’s research on the mating behaviour of three spined-sticklebacks (Patriquin- Meldrum and Godin 1997) solidified my passion for animal behaviour, and whetted my appetite for field work. I moved across Canada to pursue my MSc at the University of Calgary with Robert Barclay to explore the behavioural ecology of the bat community in northern Alberta, near Peace River. Two summers of intensive field work can essentially be summed up in two sentences: 1) Bat species of different size and maneuverability respond differently to logging (Patriquin and Barclay 2003; Hogberg et al. 2002); 2) Ultrasound is not detected equally across all habitat types, but not in the way you might expect (Patriquin et al. 2003).
After completing my MSc I decided to test the waters in the ‘real world’ doing consulting work, but realized it wasn’t for me. So, I returned to Canada’s beautiful east coast to do my PhD. I am co-supervised by Marty Leonard at Dalhousie University and Hugh Broders at Saint Mary’s University. I am investigating the social structure of northern long-eared bats (Myotis septentrionalis). In this species, females form maternity colonies where they give birth to and raise their young. However, the composition of these colonies varies spatially and temporally as females move between trees throughout the summer. I want to know if females have preferred associates and if so, who are they and why does such a preference exist. To address these questions, and with the help of assistants and volunteers, I spend my summers catching, processing and tracking bats, hiking in the forest and climbing trees.
While the bats are hibernating, I delve into the world of molecular genetics and network analyses to understand my data. When I’m not doing my research I am involved with a number of societies and public education of science. Also, during the 2010/11 winter semester, I
will be teaching Behavioural Ecology at Dalhousie.
Recent Publications
1. Patriquin, KJ, ML Leonard, HG Broders and CJ Garroway. 2010. Do social networks of female northern long-eared bats vary with reproductive period and age? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64: 899-913. doi 10.1007/s00265-010-0905-4
2. Patriquin, KJ. 2004. Red bat (Lasiurus borealis) captured in northeastern Alberta. Northwestern Naturalist 85: 28-30
3. Patriquin, KJ and RMR Barclay. 2003. Foraging by bats in cleared, thinned and unharvested boreal forest. Journal of Applied Ecology 40:646-657
4. Patriquin, KJ, LJ Hogberg, BJ Chruszcz and RMR Barclay. 2003. The influence of habitat structure on the ability to detect ultrasound using bat detectors. Wildlife Society Bulletin 31:475-481
5. Hogberg, LJ, KJ Patriquin and RMR Barclay. 2002 Use by bats of patches of residual trees in logged areas of the boreal forest. American Midland Naturalist 148: 282-288
6. Patriquin-Meldrum, KJ and J-G J Godin. 1997. Do female three-spined sticklebacks copy the mate choice of others? American Naturalist 151: 570-577
Technical Reports
1. Golder Associates Ltd. 2002. Suncor Firebag In-situ Project Supplemental Wildlife Surveys 2001. Submitted to Suncor Energy Inc.
2. Golder Associates. 2001. Christina Lake Thermal Project, Phase 1 Wildlife Monitoring Program 2001. Submitted to PanCanadian Petroleum Limited